A Poor Man's Candy

Everyone loves something sweet now and again and sometimes it’s hard to resist the urge of a pricey snack. When you’re on a tight budget, a couple of dollars for a bag of candy could really be pushing the envelope. Of course not all of you can understand the concept of a couple of dollars being the line between having money and being completely broke. Mind you, we all have nagging cravings now and again but most of us can say we have something in common. We all have sugar and water.

Back in the day, sugar water used to be the sweet drink that everyone could afford and drank. I speak from experience, remembering downing spoonfuls of sugar doused in a whopping eight ounces of water or less. Sugar water just seemed to make the world just a little bit sweeter. So, you might be wondering if I am encouraging the taste of the olden days for you. Well, not quite. I am going to tell you how you can use those same two ingredients to make yourself some delicious, simple candy.

Things You Will Need:

Sturdy pot
1 Cup Sugar
Water (as needed)


First, you will need a pot, if you are fresh out of pots, see if you can borrow one from a neighbor. Believe me, cravings are serious things.

Second, dump about a cup of sugar into the pot with just enough water to moisten the sugar but not drown it.

Thirdly, boil your mixture on a medium-low setting until golden brown. Periodically, wipe down the sugar crystals with damp rag from the sides of pot.

Lastly, pour mixture into ice cold water or over ice. This will immediately stop cooking process and create hard caramel candies.

This is a simple, delicious hard candy that anyone can do, even if you’re not a poor man. Enjoy!


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