Natural Deodorant: What’s What Smell?

Recently, I ran out of my favorite deodorant and haven’t had time to stop by the one store that seems to sell my brand. Becoming increasingly tired of using the nub of deodorant left in my tube, I decided to research natural ingredients that eliminate body odor. After searching around a bit, I decided to try my hand at creating a small recipe for natural deodorant.

 For this recipe you will need:

Small Container to store mixture
2 T Coconut Oil
1 t Castor Oil
1 t Baking Soda
2 T Cornstarch
10 drops of Essential Peppermint Oil

Coconut and Castor oil are not only great moisturizers but have natural anti-fungal properties. The baking soda’s job is obvious and is our powerful odor eliminator in our natural deodorant. The cornstarch acts not only as a thickener but as an antiperspirant. Our essential oil helps block odor and adds a fresh minty scent. Who doesn't want to smell like peppermint candy when they sweat?  


Mix all ingredients carefully together in small container until well combined. The mixture will feel slightly grainy but will dissipate once applied. Massage a generous amount of deodorant underneath arms with fingertips. Allow mixture to absorb slightly before putting on any clothing. This will avoid oil stains on clothing.

There are many great benefits to going natural with your deodorant. In the long run it can save you money. If you’re not ready to switch completely to all-natural quite yet, this is a great plan B. What’s that musty smell will be history, no more panicking when you find the deodorant that works for you has been discontinued. You have a great stand in.  Stay fresh. 


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