Healthy Scalp Conditioner

If you’re looking to rejuvenate your hair, it starts with the scalp. Having a healthy scalp is important and sometimes not always easy to achieve. With the common devils, such as dandruff and itchy scalp, it’s hard to keep your scalp healthy, let alone your hair. Here is an easy, cost effective way to revitalize your scalp and hair.
You will need:

1 C Sauvé Naturals
1t Eucalyptus Oil
2 t Coconut Oil


In a small container combine all ingredients together. Wash your hair as usually. For an extra scalp boost add a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil to your shampoo. Next take your Healthy Scalp Conditioner and apply to scalp and hair.  Cover your hair with a hair cap and let mixture sit on hair for about 30 minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly and style as usual. For the best results, use this conditioner once a week with your daily regimen.

Did You Know?

Did you know that coconut oil is a natural conditioner/softener and acts as an anti-bacterial? Eucalyptus Oil is known to help prevent dandruff and promote better circulation in the scalp. Eucalyptus Oil is also known to promote hair growth.

So what are you waiting for? Go whip up some Healthy Scalp Conditioner and change the course of your hair!


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