
Fear Meet Courage

By: Aneva Walker

I have seen your face within my dreams 
You horrify, send me hiding beneath my linen sheets 
But I am weary with fear 
Tired of being bound by the chains it produces 
I look to the heavens to release me-bondage 

You speak lies, so poetically 
You entice my ear to listen 
Listen. Hearing nothing but the fast pace beating of my heart 
I am trapped by fear 
 It corners me in quiet places 
Filling my mind with a symphony of self-hatred 
I wish I could be courageous 

I grasp for it with sweaty hands 
Take hold of my quivering heart and give me peace 
Yet fear tells me what I seek is simply a dream 

I look at the warriors before me 
Straight backs and scars 
I am nothing but a babe, reaching for a high bar 

You have said your piece 
I listened and wept 
But no longer! 
I am stepping into the shoes of grace 
And although my heart may race 
I know that courage is not the absence of fear 
It is the decision 
To jump anyway 


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