Summer Fun Painting

Want to try your hand at a beach postcard painting?

Summers brings the excitement and joy of outside fun, but why not bring some of that summer fun inside too? Why not challenge yourself to a painting? Painting can be a very relaxing and rewarding activity. Have never picked up a paintbrush in your life? Well, that’s okay too. Start off sketching the main items, the cards, the shell and the starfish. Once those are down then add the details with your paint. If you want to learn more on how I made my painting happen, leave a comment below and I’ll post a step by step guide for you to follow.

Remember, painting and art in general is an original thing. Even if you are using a picture as your template, that doesn't mean you have to create an exact copy. Of course, if you want to try your hand at realism painting or drawing, it’s always fun to do.  If you look closely at my painting, I changed the words. I used the stamped area to put my signature and date completed there. Be creative and try your best. Don’t get discouraged if your painting does not turn out perfect. My painting is beautiful but it didn't turn out perfect. I had trouble getting the sand to look realistic and the shell was a hassle. I found trying to match paint colors with colors in a photo to be a major pain. So, I’m learning to tune my painting to what works for me.

Let me know how things go, I would love to see the results of your paintings. Have fun!


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