Cupid's Kiss

It is too early to love you, I tell myself
Though my heart has already jumped from my chest
I searched for it, desperately
For I did not feel it beating within me
Only to find it resting in your hands
You look at me, with an unreadable expression
I reach for my heart
Give it back!
But you pull it to your chest with tears in your eyes
How do I take this?
How do I take knowing the sting of love
Does your heart not beat within you?
I look at my hands, only to find fragments
I have only part of you
Your eyes speak of pain
So I wait…
Has cupid’s arrow found me?
Pierced me deeply, only to graze you
I bleed emotions so foreign
Love has wounded me
Yet I breathe, in and out
Trying not to pull back
To snatch my heart and run
I have been found
Touched by love’s kiss


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